Traveling is a learning experience, and so is packing for it. We always want to cover all our bases with the items we think we need, but as we get more experienced with travel and packing, we start noticing we are actually hauling more than what we really need. To help you pack light, here is a list of things you should consider not packing for a trip.
- Jewelry
These are unnecessary items to be carrying and which you’ll probably use once or twice on your trip. Not only is it unnecessary but you also carry the risk of losing them. If you can’t imagine losing your expensive diamond ring/earrings/necklace or your Rolex watch, it’s better you leave them home since flashy tourists can become targets for thieves. Think of it, it’s better to not have them for a couple of weeks than lose them forever. Also, if you’re looking to save money by bargaining, it’s best to play the part correctly by not wearing those expensive valuables and looking more like a local. Lastly, if you have a formal event or night out during your trip, and would like to wear some jewelry, pack only a cheap but nice looking set that goes well with your outfit.
- Heavy Zoom Lenses
Unless you are a professional photographer, most of the time you will use your cellphone, point and shoot camera, or your regular DSLR lens/camera (18-55mm, 24-70mm, or similar); simply for convenience and speed. Unless you’re doing a safari or doing wildlife photography, it is rare that those 200-300mm zoom lenses will be an indispensable item.
- Extra toiletries
Pack just the bare essentials and buy as you go. Providing you won’t be away from civilization for an extended period of time, you don’t necessarily need to pack any other over-the-counter medicines or toiletries as they are all available wherever you are going.
It’s wise to carry a “sampler” or travel size of the primary toiletries and medicines, for the beginning of your trip. Then, replenish as you go. When traveling, it’s also good to simplify your beauty routine to the essentials. Have in mind that when flying carry-on, we are limited to the number of liquids we can carry.
- Too Many Cotton Clothes
When you picture cotton what do you see? Fluffy stuff, right? Well, fluffy stuff takes more space, plus they take longer to dry when wet. When packing for winter, think of layering with thinner, lighter items and a jacket/sweater, rather than one bulky coat. Obviously, when thinking of layering, try to not pack more clothes than you need either.
- Hiking Boots
Unless you are hiking on rugged terrain for days or doing the Inca Trail or something similar, those heavy hiking boots play no part on your packing list.
First, you will only use them for a single day at most. Second, they probably won’t fit in your backpack or take up so much space that you’ll end up hanging them on the outside of your backpack. Third, a pair of running shoes delivers the same comfort without taking so much space.